Mighty Mopane
Edible Insect Packaging

Mission Statement & Objectives
According to UN DESA report, “The current world population of 7.3 billion is expected to reach 8.5 billion by 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050 and 11.2 billion in 2100” (un.org). Eventually, increasing population will result in fewer lands and water to grow food sources for everyone. Humans will continue to take lands to develop and innovate consumer goods. In order to give a positive impact on the environment, It will be essential to use lands smartly. Insect farming can reduce to use fewer resources (land, water, energy) compared to raising livestock. Also, it is a healthy alternative nutrient source, which insects provide more protein than a meat can give.
It is understandable that eating bug is not a common culture in the Western world. In order for people to get familiar with edible insect, having an insect as an ingredient is a good step, to begin with. We aspire to be one of the sustainable edible insect company that promotes insect as a healthy alternative food nutrition.
There are already many cultures from different countries consume insects as a normal part of their everyday diet. Insects are the seasonal delicacy and they can be seasoned and prepared in many different ways to enjoy. When sustainable development will be in high demand, the edible insect will become a healthier alternative source of protein and nutrients.
Client: Conceptualized edible insect company
Year: June 2018
My Role: Research, Logo Design, Branding, Packaging Design, Visual Identity, Photography
Ideation / Exploration
I started my brainstorming by throwing visual ideas by creating multiple thumbnail sketches. I thought of creating a logo that simply contains letters. I wanted to apply the example of alliteration, which is using the same first consonant sound. Therefore, I used M for Mighty Mopane for my name of the company.
Throughout the process of elimination, I landed on my final decision. Since Mopane worm got the name from the leaves of the mopane tree, I was inspired to incorporate the leaf as the logo for my company. I believed the root where the worm came from was an important factor to be remembered. The leaf itself can also provide a sense of tropical and well-being.


The packaging is easily collapsible so when the consumer finishes the product, the box can be twisted and collapsed. That way the product can keep less space on the shelf or the recycle bin. The packaging was inspired by the biological entities of the worm. I was inspired by the movement of the worm, where its body extends and compresses. The collapsible idea of the packaging came directly from it.
Marketing and Business System
Social media is one of the best ways to advertise the brand and the packaging. In our society today, many people utilize smartphone and through social media, they are able to get access to almost everything and share what they think it is trendy or interesting. Many companies or brands also use Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and more mediums in order to reach out to the audience to commercialize their products. However, not everyone uses social media. To aim for people without a smartphone or have no access to social media, being released on physical advertisements such as a brochure or a magazine page would be another effective way to promote the product.